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Elsa Kraus
ITV Global Liaison/ Treasurer
Rachel McDonald


ITV Uganda President 


Meet Our Volunteers:

Our primary staff consists of counselors and counselors-in-training from Bishop Magambo Counselor Training Institute (BMCTI), Lewis & Clark Graduate School, in addition to various community members. We meet regularly to discuss transnational issues, plan fundraising events, and evaluate progress towards our goals.


Teresa McDowell
Lewis and Clark Liaison
Kevin Keva Kekisiibo
BMCTI Liaison and Volunteer
Keva is the administrative assistant at BMCTI.  Keva keeps communication open and current between BMCTI students, staff, and counselors and ITV Uganda volunteers.  

Hometown: Denver, Colorado


Why I’m working for ITV: As a graduate student and global citizen, I strive to promote equity and social justice in all facets of life. Traveling abroad to Uganda for the first time opened my eyes to different ways of promoting mental health and general well-being that truly inspired me. Through ITV Uganda, I believe that we have the wonderful opportunity to further develop counseling resources in a culturally competent and equitable manner. I feel so privileged to be a part of this group from the inception and can’t wait to see what we can achieve!


What inspires me: The desire to learn and better oneself.


Guilty Pleasures: Mini chocolate donuts and Netflix.


Favorite Quote: “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” -Toni Morrison

Hometown: Rozellville, Wisconsin


Why I am working for ITV: As the Project Manager, representing ITV Uganda on the Board of Directors, I believe that ITV Uganda promotes social justice and equity in a way that shares power, control, and resources. ITV Uganda strives to promote projects that value and strengthen local knowledge in the field of counseling.  That being said, why wouldn't I want to volunteer for ITV Uganda?!


What inspires me: I love seeing other people discover their inner strength and power to change the world around them.  Counselors and counselors-in-training hear so many stories from clients that are filled with pain and hurt. Counselors also get to hear how the clients were able to overcome their pain and hurt by tapping into courage, hope, strength, and perseverance.  Seeing people discover resources and use them in ways that not only transforms them, but the people around them, deeply inspires me.


Guilty Pleasures: Salt and Vinegar Chips with a Coca-Cola on the side :)  


Favorite Quote: "Now, we've got to have some changes in this country, and not only changes for the black man, and only changes for the black woman, but the changes we have to have in this country are going to be for liberation of all people--because nobody's free until everybody's free."- Fannie Lou Hamer, USA Civil Rights Activist

Martha Amulen
BMCTI Liaison and Volunteer

Martha holds a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology.  She teaches classes at BMCTI, as well as provides individual, group, and community counseling at BMCTI and in the surrounding communities.  Martha's favorite class to teach is Experiential Theories and Techniques.  She uses indigenous materials to help children and families heal. 

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